Food, health, and climate intertwine closely. Our goal is to enhance taste, health, and convenience sustainably. We contribute to UN Sustainable Development Goal 2 by ensuring access to safe, nutritious food and Goal 3 by promoting good health and well-being. We commit to delivering safe and high-quality products to our consumers.

The safety and quality of our products are paramount. This principle extends to all our business partners, including suppliers. We achieve high standards through strict adherence to our Food Safety Standards and Quality Systems.
We adhere to the global Quality and Food Safety Standard known as OFSS (Orkla Food Safety Standard), rooted in the British Consortium Global Standard for Food Safety (BRC) and tailored by Orkla India to address specific risks in our food manufacturing operations. We source only quality ingredients from approved suppliers and comply with all regulations set by regulatory authorities. The internationally recognized HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) system guides us in identifying, evaluating, and managing significant food safety hazards. We also have established a traceability system for all our products.